Sunday, December 30, 2012

One week plus two days

It's hard to believe I got home from the hospital a week ago today! Life has been crazy with the holidays and integrating a new little one into the chaos.

A quick recap of Katie's birth story:

We arrived at the hospital around 9:00 a.m. on Thursday morning and waited for about an hour to go back. I had about an hour of monitoring while waiting which revealed that little miss was sideways so I would have not had a change to VBAC even if I had wanted too. The complication to her position was that they had to cut my uterus in a J shape which means if I had any other babies it is an automatic section. I'm 99.99% sure we won't have any surprises so I'm not concerned. I think I'm actually going to go on birth control for a few months just to be sure to give myself time to heal though.

I got back to the OR around noon or 12:30 and they did a spinal block (due to my failed epidurals with the twins) and I had a little freak out when I couldn't breath so well tipped backwards waiting for the medicine to go up my body. They gave me some medicine to calm me down.

It took almost an hour to get to Katie since I had loads of scar tissue and while I was numb the pressure was intense and I started to sort of freak out again. This time they gave me to nitrous to calm me down.

After they got her out she cried right away which was music to my ears, but since I had so many anxiety issues during surgery they gave me some other medicine which knocked me out for about 20 minutes while the stitched me up. Thank God for the excellent anesthesiologists!

I got to hold Katie on the way back to recovery and was there for about three or four hours waiting for our room.  When I finally got upstairs I got to hold her and feed her and just snuggle one baby. It was heavenly. We were going to try to leave Saturday night (a day early), but Katie was spitting up a lot and I wanted the pedi to try to figure out what was happening before we left. I was finally on my way home around noon on Sunday.

Life is chaotic, but awesome! I'm a very scheduled person so I'm still adjusting to our new life, but I know that it will all fall into place soon and I'm trying to be patient with myself.

I need to upload all of our pictures and my BIL took some newborn ones I'll post as soon as I have them, but for now here is Miss K leaving the hospital:

And here are the boys exhausted after three days with Mimi and Papa!