Friday, March 15, 2013

Keeping it real

So, the hubs went out of town for work yesterday. I thought no big deal I have done tons of bed times solo what is one more (three this week)? All went well. Crisis averted. As I was doing the morning routine I was listening to the radio and "Hey, Soul Sister" came on and I was instantly transported back to three years ago and finding out we were having twins and the joy I felt. As I was thinking "Hey, I should blog about this and make my life seem awesome" the following occurs. 

All three kids pooped at the same time as Katie was screaming to be fed. As I get through that crisis and feed the baby both boys are nowhere to be found. I finish feeding Katie and then find them in the kitchen playing with a huge bottle of hand sanitizer. So now that I'm freaked out and calling poison control the baby throws up all over the couch. Apparently a 32 pound child can have four teaspoons before it becomes dangerous. I get the baby and G changed since they are both soaked for different reasons and then the speech therapist shows up. I guess I'm not getting that mother of the year award anytime soon. 

It's so funny on how life can change so quickly. They really keep me on my toes and my grey hair patch just keeps expanding!