Tuesday, September 17, 2013

She's got legs

I've got fairly muscular calves (they are basically the only muscular part of my body). Whenever I have bought boots I needed to get a wider width until recently. I ordered some knee high boots and they came today. I was so excited until I saw they had no zipper. My first thought was how will I get them up? Well, I gave it a shot and they fit! 

Maybe some sweet day I'll be one of those girls that have loose boots, but I'll consider today a huge victory. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Is this thing on?

For some reason I always want to say that. I think it's time to dust off the old blog and start updating. 

First off me:
In January 2012, I started taking a stroller strides class, lost 23 pounds, got knocked up, decided to stay on track while pregnant and now I'm back on the wagon and down 55 pounds since that first class. I have more to go. I'm working on figuring out why I can never seem to get my food issues under control for good. 

Here is a before and after: 

My twins are almost three. Katie is almost nine months. Holy hell how did that happen? Baby is crawling, boys don't stop running. They literally suck the energy from me, but I love them. 

We are in the middle of a relo from the Philadelphia suburbs to Corning, New York which has been very bumpy. So bumpy I'm starting to forget why it started. Something about more work life balance. I've barely seen my husband in months. I'm like a single mom 98% of the time. It should be better soon. 

These are the things I hope to write about. Please excuse any typos. I am really bad at proof reading these days. 

Wanna see pics of the madness? We're on Instagram at lifewithtwinsplusone.